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Sunday, May 15, 2011

3 Rapid Fire Marketing Strategies

Every therapist wants more patients and clients. Let's be real, if you were packed to the gills, you wouldn't be here reading our stuff or working with our team. You would be busy hustling in your clinic, developing your business with other practitioners, and creating a passive income that keeps coming in, even when your not treating.

We all started somewhere. Our members that are utilizing our services today are creating that practice where they are the forefront of our profession, helping every patient, and creating an income stream that was never expected when first went through school for massage therapy or chiropractic.

Yesterday we sent out an email inviting 15 new members to join our coaching team. We have had a ton of applications and emails pour in over the past 12 hours. One of the questions that we received was:

"When working with your therapy members, what are the top strategies you would implement immediately"

At, our team had a quick discussion last night and came up with our top 3 sure fire marketing strategies that every professional must have:

1. Become The Go-To Therapist
Create a niche and be the best at it. If you become the go-to therapist, you will always have an abundance of patients, be able to set your rates accordingly, and come across great opportunity.

2. Have A Website!
According to Mike Robertson in a conference down in Kentucky this past weekend: "No one is looking for you in the yellow pages anymore, they head straight to your website"
90% of the therapist we work with that have a website, needs major improvement, has no direction or concept, and is confusing to the new client. When it comes to a website:
A) Hire professional help - Don't use build your own platforms
B) Have a clear goal or mission statement. How can you help your new client?
C) Create a newsletter or opt-in box

3. Public Speak & Be Present At All Health Fairs!
Create a goal to be a public speaker, or have a booth once a month at every major event. Events and speaking engagements are a sure fire way to get new patients into your facility. You are presenting your service to a captive audience that is already looking to move forward and create a better lifestyle.

Implement these 3 Rapid Fire Marketing Techniques today and begin to see a growth in your practice. If you are interested in working with one of our experts, go HERE, fill out the form and someone from our team will contact you within 24 hours.

Always dedicated to your success.....

Adam J Bogar from TheRehabBiz

PS. Our coaching is availible for a limited time offer of $97. That is UNLIMITED coaching for an entire month, at the cost of less than 2 treatments!

PPS. Sign up fast, we only have 4 spots left. Click here to apply.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

All You Need Are Relationships!

Want to be build a profitable practice?
Don’t want to worry about the economy and the effects of it on your practice?
Looking to gain a consistent client base that will always be with you?

Research shows that even with the best products and business practices, you still need strong relationships to succeed in this marketplace.  The following is a roadmap to turn personality differences into positive business results.
Many people have trouble with business relationships simply because they don't know the rules. There is no handbook for this sort of thing and it can be hard to know what to do and what not to do when developing and building business relationships. In addition, there are many different types of business relationships and different situations that you will have to face. Just like in any relationship, there are some things you just have to feel out as you go but there are other things that you can practice, study and prepare for to help give you an edge. Here are some tips to help you with creating and keeping business relationships.:

1. Remember that first impressions counts- BIG TIME.
2. Don't take the easy way over the right way. Work to build value to your treatments for your new clients.
3. Remember that it's not just what you do but how you do it.
4. Just like any relationship, there will be give and take.
5. Trust works both ways, even in a business relationship.
6. Communication is key.
7. If things go sour, still keep it professional.

It's important that you remember first impressions count. When meeting your new business associate or first time patient, you need to be sure you present yourself properly and professionally. Wear nice, clean clothing, speak in a confident tone and be sure of yourself. Show that you are confident in your position but be honest, don’t come off like a hotshot. If presented with something you are not familiar with, admit it rather than lying when you don't have a clue what you are talking about and let your client know that you will find the answer they are looking for even if you need to refer out.
Building relationships needs to be a key component to building your professional health care business. To build more relationships, look at connecting and networking with:
- Neighbouring Business
- Local Chamber of Commerce
- Your CLIENTS & Patients
- Other Practitioners expert team is always looking at networking with different health care professionals around the globe. If you are a chiropractor, massage therapist, or personal training drop us an email and let us know who you are and what you do.
Starting May 1st, we are opening our doors for 15 NEW coaching clients. If interested, sign up today HERE

Monday, March 21, 2011

To Mass Market or To Niche Market!

It is often seen that massage therapists, chiropractors, and practitioners try to market and talk to every person possible.  When you try to attract every single person as a prospect or new client, you are never able to tap into what that prospect really wants (ie. Back pain suffers vs. Allergy Relief).

When you mass marketing and try to speak to everyone, your practice becomes average, your treatments and service will become average, and in turn you will have to have average prices to compete. With Mass Marketing, you lose the ability to speak about the all the services available at your clinic and the opportunity to tell potential prospects what you specifically can do for them.

Remember, consumers spend money on a product or service
for the benefits that they receive from the product or service,
not the features.


Because they want to achieve results, feel better, and feel like they’re an important patient to you.
Niche marketing is more benefitial because you can portray and speak to a group of prospects at one time.

You can demonstrate the EXACT benefits of what you are trained to do and WHAT THEY WANT to experience. As a practitioner, you can also position yourself as an expert, charge more for your services, and become a specialist instead of a generalist.  As the “go-to specialist” for your specific marketing, you will be able to create a referral network from doctors, other practitioners, and professionals that will feed directly into your clinic.

To find a niche population or market to work within, determine where there is need for what you do, and how you can provide a service to that market.  Take a few minutes to write these questions down, answer them and when you know who you want to reach, begin to position yourself by writing articles, giving speeches and you will find yourself in a niche market that will drive your business to new levels.

At our team is offering a new service called Power Your Health Business, which is unique in the coaching world.  Power Your Practice is 3 coaching calls that will take your through the steps to achieve better results in your practice through business development. Niche Marketing is a topic that will be covered in this program.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Japanese Relief Fund

The devastation that took place 2 days ago in Japan has rocked the world. Today, there is still catastrophe, chaos, and destruction that is effecting the people and community of Japan. It is time to stand together and help a nation in need. is partnered with the Canadian Human performance Centre in an effort to provide support, money, and supplies to the people and rocked cities that have been hit with devastation.

The Canadian Human Performance Centre is collecting donations and pledges for Japan Relief. On March 26th, 2011, The CHPC is running a Fundraiser Workout Day where all proceeds and donations will go to Japan.

At, our expert team is working on a few projects that will help the Earthquake and disaster relief in Japan. In April, we are launching an initiative where all proceeds from the Members Only Portal will go to relief.

Also, starting March 31st, 2011, we are going to be collecting medical supplies that will be shipped over with a crew working with the injuried in japan.

To learn more how you can help, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Your Team!

PS - Learn how you can launch your business today with our $1 Membership!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Become the best and what you do, make money along the way, and have some fun!

The reason why you stumbled across this site is probaly because your looking for more out of your health care business.
On the internet, there are only a few experts that talk about marketing for health care professionals amd how to develop a profitable business. To be honest, this is new in our profession. Who thought going to school for 5+ years, writting multiple exams, and paying 1000's of dollars to be liscened, and now you have another learning curve in business?
That is why we create TheRehabBiz forum. We wanted place where everyone in the world could come together, connect, and drive our industry. There is begginers, students, and experts in the forum. Get in there today, learn from the best, help out others, and let's make a push to creating a strong alternative healtgh care profession.
If your new on the internet scene, this is a great place to start. The number one rule and begginer lession is to network with professionals in your industry. You are already at the right place, now get in there, start a conversation, be active!

Your Expert Team!